
Latest Travel News/Info

We will update as soon as we get more information


Current Travel Status

Study Abroad Classes

Classes in New Zealand will be very different from regular SUU classes.  Most classes will have some preparatory reading and assignments that need to be done BEFORE we leave on the trip.  We will never be in traditional classrooms, but will use our adventures as a our classroom.  As such, we won't be just site seeing.  We will have astronomy lessons on the beach.  Anthropology and Biology lessons as we travel to new sites.  We'll have discussions everywhere!  Also, once we get back, there will be some online coursework to finish up and submit.

Once you have fully applied and the Canvas shells for each class are published you will see exactly what will be expected of you for each of the courses you registered for.  Until then, reach out to the individual professors and discuss with them what they tentatively plan to do while on our adventure.

Emergency Information